Discipline, high competence and reliability of employees and Site Managers ensured full
control and supervision over the conducted works. The management staff of the company are fully competent to make decisions that require changes and possible additional work.
All the contracted works were carried out by MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną
odpowiedzialnością Budownictwo Sp. k. at the highest level of quality, according to good engineering practice and in a way that does not raise any objections, which serves as a testimony to the Contractor’s professionalism.
The investment in question is located within the urban layout of ul. Mazowiecka, entered into the register of historic structures, hence façade works were carried out in accordance with the conservator’s recommendations and the conservation works programme. The construction works were completed by the company one month before the set
deadline, professionally and in accordance with good engineering practice. Furthermore, the quality of the works was fully acceptable.
The construction works were completed by MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Budownictwo Sp. k. within the agreed deadline. The works was carried out in accordance with the good engineering practice.
Therefore, we want to recommend MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
Budownictwo Sp. k. as a reliable and trustworthy contractor.
As a representative of the Investor, I wish to recommend MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Budownictwo Sp. k. to other Investors as a trustworthy Contractor.
It is worth noting that MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Budownictwo Sp. k. is highly involved and efficient in the organisation of all works. The company collaborated well with the ordering party and other contractors while carrying out the commissioned work.
The management staff of MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Budownictwo Sp. k. is fully competent and professional in terms of carrying out works and making decisions that require changes and potential design alterations.
“The discipline, high competence and reliability of MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Budownictwo Sp. k. employees allowed the completion of all works in accordance with the plan. The company’s management showed professionalism both in the execution of the work and in
making decisions requiring changes and potential design alterations.”
We can fully recommend MAR-BUD as a reliable company specialising in reinforced concrete construction works. The company deserves full confidence and trust of Investors.
We wish to underline the organisational skills of MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną
odpowiedzialnością Budownictwo Sp. k., good cooperation with the Ordering Party and other Contractors during the execution of the commissioned works.
However, apart from professionalism and reliability, the most important thing was the quality of cooperation between people. MAR-BUD always, literally always, helped to solve problems quickly and on an ongoing basis. What’s more, the company frequently proposed unconventional, economical and technologically more advantageous solutions than the standard ones.
The construction works of MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
Budownictwo Sp. k. were accepted by the investor as having been carried out and
completed in a correct manner and in accordance with the good engineering practice.
PH-U TRANSEXPO Sp. z o. o. wants to recommend MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną
odpowiedzialnością Budownictwo Sp. k. as a responsible and reliable General Contractor, who duly performs the commissioned tasks.
We recommend MAR-BUD as a contractor and coordinator of general construction works and reinforced concrete works carried out with the application of state-of-the-art technologies, high quality requirements and within short deadlines with the use of multi-shift work organisation.
The work of MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Budownictwo Sp. k. were carried out in accordance with good engineering practice and in a professional manner, while maintaining high quality and observing the principles of health and safety at work.
MAR-BUD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Budownictwo Sp. k. is a reliable partner with
a professional and experienced team of highly qualified employees.